Golden Coast of the South
Sri Lanka isknown for its beautiful beaches and unparallel landscapes due to itsgeographical setting and tropical climate. In this tour, we take you to one ofthe best beaches in the island, Bentota, where you can experience the sun andsand like no other. While spending timeby the beach lazing around all day or enjoying the many activities in store,you can also explore a virgin white tea factory, a turtle hatchery andexperience a river safari along the calm waters of the Madu River. A guidedtour along the ramparts of the Galle Fort is available for you to explore thegems that are hidden amidst these magnificent walls. Final destination of thetour is Colombo.
Lõuna kuldrannik (7 päeva)
Lõuna kuldrannik (7 päeva)
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(SKU: LK10781000) Põgeneda igapäevane linnastunud keskkond ja veeta puhkust oma unistused lõõgastav Lõuna Coastal Belt. Kogemused tõusva päikese ja loojuva päikese soojendage nahka ja meretuul puhub teid vabastades
stressi.5 ööd sihtkohas Bentota
Bentota ajal saate osaleda järgmiste tegevustega.
Külasta Handunugoda Tea Factory, mis on tuntud ka kui Virgin White Tea Factory. Lugege tee ajalugu, mida see tehas toodab. Tutvuge, kuidas kuulus Virgin White Tea on kitkutud ja töödeldud täiesti puutumata inimese kätega. Osaleda degusteerimisel koos maitsva tassi teed ja Hõrgutav šokolaadikook. Hankige võimalus osta mõned teelehed suveniirina
.Külasta Kosgoda Turtle haudejaama edelarannikul Sri Lanka. Lisateavet viie ohustatud merikilpkonna liikide kohta, mis tulevad Sri Lanka kaldale pesitsema. Lugege, kuidas Kosgoda Turtle Care Program aitab kaitsta pesi, kuni nad kooruvad ja suurendab ellujäämise võimalusi beebidele. Get võimalus näha, puudutada ja toita beebi kilpkonnad; või isegi vigastada täiskasvanud kilpkonnad, et Turtle Hatchery hoolib
.Galle Fort Giidiga jalutuskäik
Avasta saladusi Galle, kus Portugali ja Hollandi tegid oma peakorteri. Külasta Galle Fort, mis on üks paremini säilinud kindlustuste Aasias. Vaadake Galle muuseume ja tuletorni. Kõnni läbi munakivisillutisega tänavatel oma Hollandi nimed ja kuulata oma teejuht rääkida oma lugusid. Lõdvestu kuningas kookospähkli või tassi teed hellitab tuul troopikas.
Mine imeline paadisõit mööda Madu jõe oma õitsva ökosüsteemi. Läbi mangroovide loodud salajased lõigud. Vaata basking krokodillid ja vee monitorid. Külasta üks väikesaartel oma kaneeli koristamise põliselanikud. Nautige kuulsa kalamassaaži taastavaid omadusi. Jälgige veelinde nende looduslikes elupaikades
.1 öö Colombo
Ajal oma aega Colombo, saate tegeleda järgmiste tegevustega.
Külasta riigi kodu kuulsa Sri Lanka arhitekt Sir Geoffrey Bawa. Kas ekskursioon oma unikaalselt kujundatud aedadest ja kodu osadest, mis on avalikkusele avatud? Vaata oma allkirja disaini stiil, mis tegi Bawa võib-olla parim arhitekt ajaloos kaasaegse Sri
LankaKogemused värvikas tuled ja särav t elu Colombo, pealinna Sri Lanka. Külastage ajaloolisi monumente nagu vana majakas, vana parlament, hotell Galle Face, Galle Face Green, Rahvusmuuseum ja palju muud. Nautige kaubanduskeskused Vabadusväljakul või Race Course. Külastage butiikpoode ja disainerite kauplusi.
Tere tulemast Colombo, City of Lights. Partei lahedam ja kõige lõbus ööklubid Sri Lanka. Joo ja tantsu Colombo rannad, suur nädalavahetusel pidusid oma värvikas kokteile ja pühkima muusika. Proovige oma õnne kell kasiinod Colombo. Saada mõned maitsvat toitu veetlev boutique restoranid, mis jäävad avatud kuni hilja. Öö pole kunagi olnud heledam või parem kuni Colombo
Pärast lõõgastavat hommikust ja hommikusööki hotellis kontrollida ja sõita lennujaama oma lennu tagasi koju.
- Transport erasõidukite, kütuse, parkimise ja maantee teemaksud.
- Teenus ingliskeelne autojuht Guide.
- Kõik valitsevad maksud ja teenustasud.
- 2 x 500ml veepudelid inimese kohta päevas.
Välja arvatud:
- Hotel Majutus ja sööki.
- Sissepääsud vastavatele saitidele.
- Juhi Juhend Majutus.
- Isikliku iseloomuga kulud.
- Visa ja sellega seotud kulud.
- Tips & Portages.
- 1 x 1 Liiter veepudeli inimese kohta päevas.
- 1 x Kohalik SIM-kaart toa kohta.

5 Nights in Bentota
The coastal area of the South offers you some fantastic beaches and some exciting activities to engage in while touring Sri Lanka. You can visit a tea factory in the South and spend a memorable day at a Turtle Hatchery. A visit to the Galle Fort is a must and a peaceful boat ride along the Madu River will calm your senses.
Handunugoda Tea Factory
Visit Handunugoda Tea Factory which is also known as the Virgin White Tea Factory. Learn the history of the tea that this factory produces. Get to know how the famous Virgin White Tea is plucked and processed completely untouched by human hands. Engage in a tasting session with a delicious cup of tea and scrumptious chocolate cake. Get a chance to purchase some tea leaves as a souvenir.
Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery
Visit the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery on the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Learn more about the five endangered sea turtle species that come to the shores of Sri Lanka to nest. Learn how the Kosgoda Turtle Care Program helps protect the nests until they hatch and increases the chances of survival for the babies. Get a chance to see, touch and feed baby turtles; or even injured adult turtles that the Turtle Hatchery cares for.
Galle Fort Guided Walking Tour
Explore the secrets of Galle where the Portuguese and Dutch made their headquarters. Visit the Galle Fort which is one of the best preserved fortifications in Asia. View the museums of Galle and the lighthouse. Walk through the cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names and listen to your guide tell their stories. Relax with a king coconut or a cup of tea caressed by a breeze of the tropics.
Madu River
Go on a wonderful boat ride down the Madu River with its flourishing ecosystem. Pass through the secretive passages created by the mangroves. See the basking crocodiles and water monitors. Visit one of the small islands with its cinnamon harvesting natives. Enjoy the restorative qualities of the famous fish massage. Observe the water birds in their natural habitats.

1 Night in Colombo
En route to Colombo, you will visit the Lunuganga Estate which is a home of a renowned architect. Then, you will be enjoying a city tour exploring some of the well known landmarks in the area. You can also enjoy the night life, the weekend parties, the good food, live bars and night clubs where you can dance the night away.
Lunuganga Estate
Visit the country home of the famous Sri Lankan architect Sir Geoffrey Bawa. Do a tour of its uniquely designed gardens and the sections of the home that are open to the public? See his signature design style that made Bawa possibly the best architect in the history of modern Sri Lanka
Colombo City Tour
Experience the colorful lights and brigh t life of Colombo, the capital City of Sri Lanka. Visit historic monuments such as the Old Lighthouse, the Old Parliament, Galle Face Hotel, Galle Face Green, the National Museum and more. Enjoy the malls of Independence Square or the Race Course. Visit boutique shops and designer stores.
Colombo Night Life
Welcome to Colombo, The City of Lights. Party at the coolest and most entertaining nightclubs in Sri Lanka. Drink and dance on Colombo’s beaches, at the big weekend parties with their colorful cocktails and thumping music. Try your luck at the casinos of Colombo. Get some delicious food at the delightful boutique restaurants that stay open till late. The night has never been brighter or better until Colombo.
After a relaxed morning and breakfast at the hotel check out and, drive to the Airport for your flight back home.
- Transport in a Private Vehicle, Fuel, Parking & Highway tolls.
- Service of English-Speaking Chauffeur Guide.
- All prevailing taxes and service charges.
- 2 x 500ml Water Bottles per Person per Day.
- Hotel Accommodation and Meals.
- Entrance fees to the respective sites.
- Chauffeur Guide's Accommodation.
- Expenses of personal nature.
- Visa and Related Expenses.
- Tips & Portages.
- 1 x 1 Liter water bottle per person per day.
- 1 x Local SIM card per room.