Ayurvedic and Herbal
In Sri Lanka Ayurveda medicine is based on the country’s centuries old treasure trove of indigenous knowledge base, natural environment and cultural repertory. According to archeological evidence, human civilisation dates back 30,000 years. Cave men of that age domesticated many wild plant varieties and used them for food and medicines.
Beam ingveri kohv
Beam ingveri kohv
(SKU: LKZ00A13BE) Beam Ginger Coffee on toitev jook, millel on potentsiaalne kasu tervisele. Infundeeritud ingveri kosutava olemusega tegeleb see maohäiretega ning sellel on antibakteriaalsed, viirusevastased ja antioksüdantsed omadused. Lisaks soodustab see tervislikku kolesterooli tasakaalu, aitab diabeedi ohjamisel, detoksifitseerib keha ja parandab vereringet. Nautige Beam Ginger Coffee värskendavat maitset ja heaolu eeliseid igas lonksus.