Agro Tour
Agriculture andfarming has always been a main part of Sri Lanka’s economy and have been sincethe time of the golden era of the kings. This agro tour offers you a properinsight on the island’s agriculture practices, ancient as well as modern ones.From Eco friendly sustainable organic farming to rain water harvesting systems,coconut harvesting techniques and harvesting processes, seed production farmingas well as paddy lands, you will be covering a lot of ground during your fourday Agro Tour with Lakpura. You will even visit a tea factory where you willspend a good three hours learning about how tea leaves are properly plucked andprocessed. Purchase tasty andflavoursome Ceylon Tea of your choice.
Agro Tour (4 päeva)
Agro Tour (4 päeva)
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(SKU:LK104573D7) Sri Lanka on riik, millel on Argo põhinev majandus. kus põllumajandus ja põllumajandus on iidsete kuningate aegadest saanud uhkuse koha. Tuur pakub suurepärast ülevaadet põllumajandustavade, mõned traditsioonilised ja teised moodsam. Saate vaadata koorimata kasvatatakse või koristatakse tavapäraste saagikoristuslaulude kordamisel (olenevalt külastuse ajast), külastada taimede ja seemnete puukooli kaubanduslikke köögiviljafarme, viljapuuaedasid, meiereid ja
teeistandusi.Päev 01 Negombo
Jimi talu villa
Jim's Farm Villas pakub hulgaliselt kogemusi, et tutvustada Sri Lanka keskkonna fantastilist mitmekesisust. Hotelli ja talu omanik Kevin pühendas talu oma isa mälestusele. Jim oli aastaid Inglismaal Suffolkis põllumajandustootja ja inspireeris Kevinit Sri Lankal oma säästva mahepõllumajanduse loomist
.02. päev Melsiripura talus
Melsiripura talu
Melsiripura talu koosnes neljast rajoonist nimelt Medamulla, Ragedara, Wagolla ja Walpolayaya võttis üle Riiklik Kariloomade Arendusamet aastatel 1976—1977. Melsiripura talu asub Kurunegala—Dambulla maantee ääres umbes 28 km kaugusel Kurunegalast. (Aeg - 3 tundi) Siin saad teada Kookospähkli kasvatamise protsessi ja kuidas kookospähkli kitkutakse. Lüpsi protsessi lehmad, on uus kogemus
.Hingurakgoda 03. päev
CIC seemnetootmise kasvandus
CIC Seed Production Farm, suurim seemnetootmise talu Sri Lanka asub Hingurakgoda osakonna sekretariaadi osakonna Polonnaruwa District. Polonnaruwa linnaosa on üks kuulsamaid koorimata kasvatusala riigis. Aktiveerib mis siis saada siin on, koorimata valdkonnas. Kui sulle meeldib, saad edasi koorimata valdkonnas ja õppida riisi kasvatamise protsessi. Kui oleme siin teinud, võite külastada puu- ja köögiviljakasvandust põllumajanduskohas. Talu saab Minneriya veehoidlast niisutusvett, et toota kvaliteetset seemet. (Aeg — 3 tundi)
04. päev Kandy
Mlesna teekindlus
Tea Fortress asub Kiribathkumburas Kandy tee ääres Pilimathalawa ja Peradeniya vahel ning on linnus, kus pakutakse parimaid Mlesna tee sorte. Nagu hästi kindlustatud linnus, seade ja atmosfäär kord sees ei ole midagi muud kui soe ja sõbralik. (Aeg — 3 tundi) Tea tehases õpetatakse teile, kuidas teelehed kitkutakse ja töödeldakse. See võtab umbes 03 tundi. Tea saab osta oma varastas ja maitse tee tasuta
Lõpetamisel jätkake lennujaama oma lahkumist pärast veeta meeldejääv aeg sellel saarel.
- Majutus jagamise üks kaheinimesetuba hotellides nimetatud hotelli kogumise.
- Einete plaan hommikusöögiga, alustades hommikusöögiga 2. päeval ja lõpetades hommikusöögiga 6. päeval.
- Transport erasõidukis, kaasa arvatud kõik autojuhi majutus, kütuse maksumus, parkimine ja maanteede teemaksud.
- Teenus ingliskeelne Chauffer Guide kogu tour.
- Kõik valitsevad maksud ja teenustasud (v.a krediitkaardi tasud)
Välja arvatud:
- Entry Visa tasud, külastage www.eta.gov.lk lisateavet/esitada oma individuaalne viisataotlus.
- Rahvusvaheline/Siseriiklik Lennupiletihind.
- Kõik isikliku iseloomuga kulud.
- Tips & Portages.
- Joogide maksumus
- Toitlustamine, kus ei ole täpsustatud.
- Sissepääsutasud, kui ei ole täpsustatud.
- Daily 1ltr pudel vett inimese kohta.

Day 01 in Negombo
Located in the heart of the cultural triangle, you will be heading to Jim’s Farm Villa on your first day of the tour. This 50 acre eco farm is a sustainable organic farm with rain water harvesting systtems to nourish the surroundings. There are over 100 species of birds visiting the land as well.
Jim’s Farm Villa
Jim’s Farm Villas offer a wealth of experiences to introduce you to the fantastic diversity of Sri Lanka’s environment. Kevin, the owner of the hotel and farm, dedicated the farm to his father’s memory. Jim was a farmer in Suffolk, England for many years, and inspired Kevin to create his own sustainable organic farm in Sri Lanka.

Day 02 in Melsiripura Farm
Located closer to Kurunegala, the Melsiripura Farm will be the next stop on your Agro Tour with Lakpura. Here you will learn more about the coconut cultivation process and harvesting techniques while you will also learn about the milking process of the cows at this particular farm.
Melsiripura Farm
Melsiripura farm consisted of four Divisions viz. Medamulla, Ragedara, Wagolla and Walpolayaya was taken over by the National Livestock Development Board during 1976-1977 periods. Melsiripura farm is situated on Kurunegala-Dambulla road approximately 28km from Kurunegala. (Time – 3hrs) Here you will get to know about the Coconut cultivation process & how the coconut is being plucked. Milking process from the cows, will be a new experience.

Day 03 in Hingurakgoda
On the 3rd day of the tour, you will visit the Hingurakgoda Farm which is the biggest seed production farm in the country. Located in the Polonnaruwa District, the total extent of the farm is 1300 acres with paddy lands covering more than half of it. The farm produces perennial crops, vegetables and lifestock.
CIC Seed Production Farm
CIC Seed Production Farm, the biggest seed production farm in Sri Lanka located at Hingurakgoda Divisional secretariat division in Polonnaruwa District. Polonnaruwa district is one of the famous paddy cultivation area in the country. Activates which you will be getting here are, paddy field. If you like you can get on to the paddy field & learn about the rice cultivation process. Once we are done here, you can visit the Fruit & vegetable farm within the farming site. The farm receives irrigation water from the Minneriya reservoir to produce high quality seed. (Time – 3hrs)

Day 04 in Kandy
The final day of the tour will be at the Mlesna Tea Fortress which is located along the Kandy road before Peradeniya which is a short drive away from Kandy. Introducing the finest variety of Mlesna Teas you will learn the entire process of manufacturing Ceylon Tea while finally having
the opportunity to purchase them as well.
Mlesna Tea Fortress
Situated on the road to Kandy in Kiribathkumbura between Pilimathalawa and Peradeniya, the Tea Fortress is a citadel for the finest varieties of Mlesna tea. Resembling a well-fortified fortress, the setting and atmosphere once inside is nothing but warm and friendly. (Time – 3hrs) In a Tea factory you will be taught how the tea leaves are plucked & processed. This will take approximately 03 hours. You can purchase Tea from their stole & taste some tea for free.
On completion proceed to the airport for your departure after spending a memorable time in this island.