Commonwealth War Cemetery

Commonwealth War Cemetery Commonwealth War Cemetery Commonwealth War Cemetery

The Kandy War Cemetery is a British military cemetery in Kandy, Sri Lanka, for soldiers of the British Empire who were killed during World War II as well as a soldier who died during World War I.

There are 203 buried consisting of 107 British, 35 East Africans, 26 Sri Lankans, 23 Indians, 6 Canadians, 3 Italians, 1 Frenchman and 2 unidentified persons, Of the 203 dead, 151 were an army, 32 were air force, 16 were navy, 2 were unidentified, 1 was merchant navy and 1 was from the national fire service.

Commonwealth War Cemetery Commonwealth War Cemetery Commonwealth War Cemetery

【LK94009922: Commonwealth War Cemetery. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】