New Vithanakande

New Vithanakande New Vithanakande New Vithanakande

located In

New Vithanakande is situated near Ratnapura, the fabled city of gems,in the heart of the low country planting district of Sri Lanka. The factory is perched on a hill overlooking the world famous Sinharaja rain forest.This strategic location combined with favourable climatic conditions, gives New Vithanakande teas the special mellow character that distinguishes them from others.


nitial construction had being undertaken in the early 1940’s and brought into production during the year 1947 by the late Punchi Bandara Herath Pilapitiya. With his demise in the year 1954, this concern went through usual family management transitions and in the year 1981 was taken over under a sole proprietorship by Navaratna Pilapitiya the youngest son of the founder, the present Chairman / Managing Director of New Vithanakande Tea Factory (Pvt) Ltd. Since then it has been going through continuous improvements and modernization. From an average of around 1500 lbs. of green leaf intake per day in the year of commencement 1981, it has now peaked to an average 22,000 kgms. of green leaf intake per day turning out around 140,000 kgms. of made tea monthly.

New Vithanakande New Vithanakande New Vithanakande

【LK947BA307: New Vithanakande. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】