Nallathanniya City
Nallathanniya Charming village nestled in Sri Lanka's mountains, serving as the base for pilgrimages to Adam's Peak and offering serene natural beauty.
Nallathanniya (tuntud ka kui Dalhousie, Delhousie) on küla Sri Lankal Nuwara Eliya ringkonnas. Koht asub marsruudil Adam's Peak. Küla laenas oma nime lähedalasuvast teemajandist.
Umbes Nuwara Eliya piirkond
Nuwara Eliya on linn Sri Lankal Kesk-provintsis. See asub kõrgusel 1,868 m (6,128 ft) Kesk mägismaa ja peetakse üheks tähtsamaks asukohad Tea tootmise Sri Lanka. Linn on vaatega Pidurutalagala, kõrgeim mägi Sri Lanka.
Suure kõrguse tõttu on Nuwara Eliyas Sri Lanka madalikest palju jahedam kliima, mille keskmine aastane temperatuur on 16 °C. Kuid temperatuur muutub ja mõnikord võib see olla nagu 3 °C. Talvekuudel on öösel üsna külm ja seal võib olla isegi külm. Kuigi see kiiresti soojeneb troopiline päike ronib kõrgemale päevasel ajal.
Sinhala ja tamili keel on peamine keel, mida kõneldakse Nuwara Eliyas. Elanikkond on sinhalese, tamili ja mauride segu. Paljud teeistanduse töötajad on India tamilid, keda britid 19. sajandil üle tõid Sri Lankale.
Horton Plainsi rahvuspark ja Victoria park on peamine atraktsioon Nuwara Eliyas.
Keskprovintsi kohta
Sri Lanka keskprovints koosneb peamiselt mägisest maastikust. Provintsi pindala on 5 674 km² ja elanike arv 2 421 148. Mõne suurema linna hulka kuuluvad Kandy, Gampola (24 730), Nuwara Eliya ja Bandarawela. Elanikkond on sinhalese, tamili ja mauride segu.
Nii mäe pealinn Kandy kui ka Nuwara Eliya linn asuvad nii Keskprovintsi kui ka Sri Pada piires. Provints toodab palju kuulsat Tseiloni tee, istutatud Briti 1860 pärast laastav haigus tappis kõik kohvi istandused provintsis. Central Province meelitab palju turiste, mäe jaama linnades nagu Kandy, Gampola, Hatton ja Nuwara Eliya. Templihammas ehk Dalada maligawa on peamine pühapaik Centreli provintsis.
Kliima on jahe ja paljudel umbes 1500 meetri aladel on sageli jahedad ööd. Läänenõlvad on väga niisked, mõnes kohas on aastas ligi 7000 mm vihma. Idanõlvad on keskkuiva vööndi osad, kuna saab vihma ainult Kirde-mussoonist. Temperatuurid jäävad vahemikku 24°C Kandy juures kõigest 16 °C Nuwara Eliyas, mis asub 1,889 m kõrgusel merepinnast. Keskprovintsis asuvad Sri Lanka kõrgeimad mäed. Maastik on enamasti mägine, selle sisse raiuvad sügavad orud. Kaks peamist mägipiirkonda on keskmassiiv ja Knuckles ulatus Kandyst idas.
About Nuwara Eliya District
Nuwara Eliya is a town of central province in Sri Lanka. It is located at an altitude of 1,868 m (6,128 ft) in the central highlands and is considered one of the most important locations for Tea production in Sri Lanka. The town is overlooked by Pidurutalagala, the highest mountain in Sri Lanka.
Due to the high altitude, Nuwara Eliya has a much cooler climate than the lowlands of Sri Lanka, with a mean annual temperature of 16 °C. But the temperature changes and sometimes it can be like 3°C. In the winter months it is quite cold at night, and there can even be frost. Although it rapidly warms up as the tropical sun climbs higher during the day.
Sinhala and Tamil is the major language spoken in the Nuwara Eliya. The population is a mixture of Sinhalese, Tamil and the Moors. Many tea plantation workers are Indian Tamils, brought over to Sri Lanka by the British in the 19th century.
Horton Plains National Park and Victoria Park are main attraction in Nuwara Eliya.
About Central Province
The Central Province of Sri Lanka consists primarily of mountainous terrain. The province has an area of 5,674 km², and a population of 2,421,148. Some major towns include Kandy, Gampola (24,730), Nuwara Eliya and Bandarawela. The population is a mixture of Sinhalese, Tamil and the Moors.
Both the hill capital Kandy and the city of Nuwara Eliya are located within the Central Province as well as Sri Pada. The province produces much of the famous Ceylon tea, planted by the British in the 1860s after a devastating disease killed all the coffee plantations in the province. Central Province attracts many tourists, with hill station towns such as Kandy, Gampola, Hatton and Nuwara Eliya. Temple tooth or Dalada maligawa is the main sacred place in Centrel province.
The climate is cool, and many areas about 1500 meters often have chilly nights. The western slopes are very wet, some places having almost 7000 mm of rain per year. The eastern slopes are parts of the mid-dry zone as it is receiving rain only from North-Eastern monsoon. The Temperatures range from 24°C at Kandy to just 16°C in Nuwara Eliya, which is located 1,889 m above sea level. The highest mountains in Sri Lanka are located in the Central Province. The terrain is mostly mountainous, with deep valleys cutting into it. The two main mountain regions are the central massif and the Knuckles range to the east of Kandy.